Thursday, August 12, 2010

Abdi Expires me

Every week, Bravo's reality series, Work of art had me glued to the T.V, drooling over art supplies and studio space and imagining what I would create if I had a 30 minute drive through New York City as my inspiration. There are plenty of not-so-great things to be said about the show, but I'll let another blogger conquer that territory. I'm just here to sing Abdi's praises. Where shall I start?  His technical ability was off the charts. Who knew he had classical drawing ability as well as cartooning until he made that awesome drawing called, "Baptism." of his own likeness floating on water? And need I say anything about the pieces that won him the title of the "next great artist"? David Lachapelle was moved to tears and so was I. He was also one of the people who seemed to get along with everyone and he has a great head on his shoulders. He has this hunger and excitement about art. He's not afraid to push himself.
Abdi is my new art inspiration. Every week he approached each challenge with the same positive energy. Jerry Saltz's tried his best to put him in a box with the rest of the people who draw really well, but have nothing to say. There is no box big enough for Abdi to fit in. I'm so glad he won because I get to see what this phenomenal artist can create without the time constraints of the competition and the financial freedom that recognition brings.

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